Services Marketing | NMIMS Assignment Help June 2023 Questions

1. You stay in an urban set up and in your city, health services for senior citizens are extremely unreliable. How will you plan your service offering? What are the challenges you will face while creating your service offering?

2. You are an entrepreneur who wishes to a cloud kitchen. How will you differentiate your offerings vis a vis your competitors? You are offering your services at a higher price point. How would plan your service offering?

3. Rajat wants to start a ‘C2C’ (customer to customer) model of food service. He has done his research. Rajat realized there is a need to have an option for customers to order it from home makers or families who would be interested in selling their cooked food to others. They are facing two challenges. First, registering new service providers and second, building a loyal customer base.

a. How will you build a service brand?

b. How will you advertise your services?